Why do we love a genre that hates us so much?

We *clapping hands emoji*

don’t *clapping hands emoji*

know ! *clapping hands emoji*

Join us as we figure it out and laugh through the pain.

Action film aficionado Ally and avowed horror glutton Mel talk romance, common sense, and nonsense as they explore films about love. Hearty laughs and eye rolls abound as each week they put another romance film on the chopping block. Comedies, dramas, borderline pornography — this fun filled romp through the wacky world of romance says hell no to cliched gender roles and plot points that may have had us all at hello. We discuss how the romance genre portrays women, POC, and the LGBTQ+ community (and women within those communities) and ask the most important question of all: Fuck, Marry, Kill? Whether it’s your first time joining us or you are returning for more chaos, thank you for your support! Welcome.